World Kindness Day 2019
World Kindness Day 2019
World Kindness Day is celebrated annually on November 13th. On this day, participants attempt to make the world a better place by celebrating and promoting good deeds and pledging acts of kindness, either as individuals or as organizations.
World Kindness Day was first launched in 1998 by The World Kindness Movement, an organization formed at a 1997 Tokyo conference of like-minded kindness organisations from around the world. There are currently over 28 nations involved in The World Kindness Movement which is not affiliated with any religion or political movement. The mission of the World Kindness Movement and World Kindness Day is to create a kinder world by inspiring individuals and nations towards greater kindness.
Anybody wishing to take part in World Kindness Day or Kindness Day can pledge a good deed and also find a ride range of resources including ideas for random acts of kindness both large and small.
Great Smile Dental partnered with Life Care Centers of America and donated 6,000 ounces of water! The water donated will go to Mustard Seed Ministries to be distributed to people of need in our community.